Thursday, October 25, 2012

What I prefer in League over dota:

- Easier access to defensive choices
- Inclusion of summoner spells, runes, and the ability to recall for easier defensive/offensive choices
- More forgiving laning with lack of gold loss on death
- Lack of tower and creep denying
- Nuke-heavy mages scale into lategame
- inhibs will respawn, making it not next to impossible to win a game when racks go down
- greater emphasis on jungle-based objectives i.e. blue, dragon, baron
- slower, more methodical style*

What I prefer in Dota2 over League:

- item diversity allows for a wide array of playstyles
- supports play an extremely powerful role in this game, compared relatively to lol
- greater lane diversity
- highly unique and individual character designs and playstyles
- inclusion of a courier and ability to buy TP scrolls for map presence
- weaker towers allow for early aggressive plays
- ward limits and lack of clairvoyance to allow for earlier aggression
- faster, more aggressive style*

And probably a bunch of things I've forgotten. They're both great games in their own right and I see no reason why playing one should preclude you from playing the other.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

This thread got buried too quickly.

Anyway, here's a short and easy autohotkey script:

Download Autohotkey and install here:

Type the following script into notepad and save as miacalls.ahk

#IfWinActive ahk_class LeagueOfLegendsWindowClass



Save it wherever and double click it before you start a game. That particular script binds the 1, 2, and 3 keys on the numpad to call mia top, mid, and bot. Just don't click it too fast and it will work fine. If you really want, you can even script a mia ping at the same time with this to make it really obvious, but that takes a little bit more work and depends on what resolution you are playing at. Just remember to turn the script off after the game.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Irelia Build

Runes: AD Marks, AD Quints, Armor Seals, flat MR or MR/level Glyphs

Masteries: 9/21/0. See here:

Summoner Spells: There are choices here. For mobility, you want either Flash or Ghost obviously. For your other summoner, you can get Teleport for team utility or if you are in a heavily disadvantaged lane (i.e. vs Olaf), or Ignite for stronger killing power, or Exhaust if you prefer. I tend to prefer Flash/Ignite or Ghost/Ignite.

Skill Build: R > W > Q > E. At level one, you can take whatever skill you find appropriate (I typically pick up either Q or E), but you want one point in every skill by level 3. Then focus on maxing W for stronger sustained damage, Q for lower cooldown on your gapcloser, and then E last, taking R at 6,11,16.

Item Build: Generally situational. I prefer to start Boots + 3 potions if against an AP top laner, or take Cloth Armor + 5 potions if against an AD laner. Some prefer getting Doran's Shield, but I prefer the extra sustain from 3 to 5 potions. Your choice of boots should always be either Ninja Tabi for better laning against an AD top lane or Mercury Treads for the MR and additional CC reduction. After that, it is completely situational on the lane and on the game. Good early laning items to get include 2x Doran's Blades, Phage, Hexdrinker, and Wit's End. Pick offensive and defensive choices as needed; there is no "set" build. I will however strongly recommend you get a Guardian Angel should you choose to build some offensive items first (i.e. 2x Doran's, Phage, and Hexdrinker for example) as it will dramatically boost your teamfight potential.

I also almost never get a Philosopher's Stone and a Heart of Gold only sometimes since they don't increase your survivability all that much or help me win the lane more than other early items would.

Some good offensive choices include Phage, Wit's End, Hexdrinker, Brutalizer, Doran's Blades, etc. For later items, consider Trinity Force, Maw of Malmortius, Youmuu's Ghostblade, Infinity Edge or Bloodthirster (only if you're ridiculously fed or if the game is really taking THAT long), Frozen Mallet, etc.

Some good early defensive choices include Wriggle's Lantern, Spirit Visage, Aegis of the Legion, and so on. Later good defensive choices include Randuin's Omen, Frozen Heart. Force of Nature, Banshee's Veil, Guardian Angel, and what not.


Early Laning: Focus solely on farming and avoiding undue harass from levels 1 - 4. After that, assess the situation. If you feel you can go toe to toe with the enemy top laner, you begin to harass them. Your basic harass combo involves E to stun them, turn on W and use several autoattacks while moving (to do this, click the enemy with A and then right click to move, alternating between the two), and then use your Q once they are out of range and an auto attack. This deals a LOT of damage against most top laners. Once you get your ultimate, feel free to include this into it. This is also your laning kill combo, so throw in an ignite if they are low enough.

For lasthitting at tower, at early levels, you may need to use Bladesurge somewhat liberally at the tower. Melee creeps die after two tower hits and one auto attack. Caster creeps die after an autoattack, tower shot, autoattack or tower shot, autoattack, then Q.

You also want to try to manipulate the creep wave to your advantage. You can autoattack one of the caster creeps to low hp, so you can use it as a springboard to quickly reach an unsuspecting enemy laner. Basically, you Bladesurge onto the low creep and you should be in range to use E and the rest of your combo, since Q will refresh.

You can also manipulate the creep wave to be frozen in front of your tower. Don't push the wave and wait for the enemy wave to push towards your tower. Before it hits the tower, stand in front of the creeps and body tank the wave. This freezes the lane in front of your tower, forcing the enemy laner to overextend to get CS. You can take a chunk of damage doing this, which is why you take the Indomitable and Tough Skin masteries. You also want to be careful to avoid harass from the enemy at the same time. I wouldn't recommend doing this if you are currently weaker than the enemy laner or if they are a very strong push i.e. Nidalee, Singed, etc. Against such laners, you actually want to try to push back as much as you can.

Later in the game and teamfights: Your ability to stick to targets is near unparalleled. Don't be afraid to stick around in fights with GA and your E up, but generally, you don't want to initiate either. Irelia is typically not a great initiator and if you do inititate, you will probably die quickly and end up doing no damage. You do get quite tanky, but you are not an initiator. Irelia finishes fights, she doesn't start them.

As a bruiser, focus on the squishies in a fight, which should be simple given your 6 second gapcloser. You can either kill them or zone them out of a fight, to rejoin your team in the bulk of the fight. Keep your own carries alive at the same time and communicate with your team.

So that's basically how I play Irelia.